Animal Control
Mission Statement
To provide a high level of service to the citizens of Magee, MS, by humanely enforcing the City of Magee, MS Ordinances as they pertain to domestic animals and the public’s health, safety and welfare.
Our Vision
To strive toward the reduction and prevention of animal related problems in the community through public education, a warning/citation system, and the impoundment of domestic animals.
Lost Pets
Wolf Pound Sanctuary is currently closed for intakes.
Contact the nearest Animal Shelters:
Animal Control Officer: 601-849-2366
Fire Department
The City of Magee enjoys a Class 5 fire insurance rating. The Magee Fire Department is staffed with 32 volunteer personnel & the Fire Marshal’s office, (which consist of 3 full time & 1 part time personnel on Monday – Friday, from 8-5). The City’s fire protection fleet consists of 2 Pumpers, 1 Pumper/Rescue, 1 Ladder Truck (75’),1 tanker (3000 gal), 1 off-road, wild land fire apparatus, 1 Chief unit, & 2 support units (pick-up trucks).
Fire Chief: David Craft
Operations Support Technician: Michael Allan

Parks & Recreation
Jimmy Clyde Sportsplex
- 3 200′ Lighted Youth Baseball Fields, Artificial Turf Infields NEW!
- 1 275′ Lighted Youth Baseball Field, Artificial Turf Infield NEW!
- 1 350′ Lighted Baseball Field
- 4 200′ Lighted Softball Fields, Artificial Turf Infields NEW!
- 1 Lighted NFHS Regulation Size Football Field
- 14 Batting Cages (some are halved)
- 6 Public Restrooms, 3 Men & 3 Women
- 3 Concession Stands with Press Boxes
- 1 40’x60′ Lighted Pavilion
- 1 Playground (12 & under)
- 1 Covered Outdoor Exercise Equipment Area (12 & up), Closed Temporarily
- All Most 1 Mile of 8′ Wide Sidewalk (can be used a walking track)
- Splash Pad with Pavilion
McNair Springs
- 1 340′ Lighted Baseball Field
- 1 275′ Lighted Softball Field
- 1 50×30 yd Lighted Pee-Wee Football Field
- 2 Batting Cages
- 1 Lighted Pavilion
- 2 Public Restrooms, 1 Men & 1 Women
City Park
- 1 195′ Lighted Youth Baseball Field, Newly Renovated
- 1 160′ Lighted Youth Baseball Field, Newly Renovated
- 6 Lighted Tennis Courts, 3 Newly Resurfaced
- 1 Batting Cage
- 1 Large Playground (12 & under)
- 2 Public Restrooms, 1 Men & 1 Women
- 1 Walking Track, Newly Paved
- 1 30′ X 40′ Lighted Pavilion, NEW!
Priority One Senior Center
- 1 “L Shaped” Olympic Swimming Pool, Closed
- 1 Open Grassy Area (used for Practice Fields (all sports) & Soccer Fields)
- 1 Lighted Basketball Court, Closed
- 1/2 Mile Lighted Walking and Biking Path
Marvin Jackson Park
- Newest City Park!
- Lighted field and adjoining picnic area
- Basketball hoops and bleachers
- located near the Magee Consolidated McLaurin Vocational Attendance Center Historical Society
For more information visit City of Magee Youth Sports or contact Jimmy Zila or Daniel Decker at 601-382-3510

Police Department
The City of Magee has an excellent Police Department with fully trained officers, a special narcotics unit, a warrant division, and an investigation division.
Police Chief: 601-849-2366
Public Works
The Public Works Department is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Magee by providing the highest quality of public works services, facilities and infrastructure to meet the needs of the community.
Public Works is responsible for providing drinking water as well as collecting and dispositioning storm water, wastewater, and solid waste.
Services Include:
- Water & Sewer
- Stormwater
- Refuse & Trash
To report issues with your trash collection, please call 601-849-3344.
To report a water leak or street issue, please call 601-849-3344.
Request to turn water off form.
Garbage Collection
The City of Magee is responsible for providing solid waste collection and disposal for its residents.
Garbage pick-up normal operation is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Waste Management does NOT run solid waste pickup services on the following holidays. Regularly scheduled solid waste pickup for these holidays will be made up and resumed on the next regularly scheduled pickup day for that route.
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Day
- President’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Veteran’s Day
Please contact the City of Magee Public Works Department at (601) 382-2158 or with any questions regarding garbage or limb & yard debris pickup and disposal.
Community Development
Building Permits
By law, building permits and inspections are required for new construction, additions, and remodeling work to confirm that all structures meet applicable building code requirements.
The City of Magee regulates construction and development to safeguard and ensure the health and safety of the public. As part of the permit process, plans are reviewed to ensure compliance with adopted codes. Building permits are issued for new construction, as well as for additions to and remodeling of existing buildings and structures. Most repairs or alterations require a building permit.
Building Inspector:
Zoning and Planning
Planning and Zoning provides assistance to ensure that future growth and change happens in accordance with polices and ordinances adopted by the community. The division provides services including:
- Development review for current planning projects
- Review zoning action, conditional use, and variance request
- Serve as liaison for Planning Commission
- Long-range planning services, including general plans, infill development and strategies for new growth
Director of Zoning and Community Development
Penny Aguirre