Special Called Zoning Board

City Hall 123 Main Avenue North, Magee, MS, United States

The City of Magee Zoning Board will meet Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 6 PM at City Hall. This is a public open meeting!

Story Time at the library

Magee Library 120 First Street NW, Magee, MS, United States

Reading to children helps with language development and teaches empathy and emotional awareness plus they get to sing songs and make some crafts!

Special Called Board of Aldermen Meeting

City Hall 123 Main Avenue North, Magee, MS, United States

The Board of Aldermen will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 5 PM at City Hall. This is an open public meeting.

Lions Club Meeting

Berry's Seafood and Catfish House 1616 US 49, Magee, MS, United States

Story Time at the library

Magee Library 120 First Street NW, Magee, MS, United States

Reading to children helps with language development and teaches empathy and emotional awareness plus they get to sing songs and make some crafts!

Spring Severe Weather Preparedness Week

City Hall 123 Main Avenue North, Magee, MS, United States

Governor Reeves has proclaimed February 9-15 Spring Severe Weather Preparedness Week. Stay tuned for weather related information about how to prepare for severe weather!

Lions Club Meeting

Berry's Seafood and Catfish House 1616 US 49, Magee, MS, United States

Zoning Board Meeting

City Hall 123 Main Avenue North, Magee, MS, United States

The City of Magee will hold its monthly meeting at 5:30 PM at City Hall. This meeting is open to the public.

Story Time at the library

Magee Library 120 First Street NW, Magee, MS, United States

Reading to children helps with language development and teaches empathy and emotional awareness plus they get to sing songs and make some crafts!